Passport Photos Northridge

Area residents who are preparing to apply for a U.S. Passport can visit our office for Northridge passport photos services. With professional photographers and cutting-edge photo printing equipment, passport photos from our office are superior to the results of passport photos taken at home. By choosing us, clients can spend more time getting ready to travel than searching for fast and reliable passport photo services.
The requirements established for passport photos by the U.S. State Department make this activity surprisingly complex. For example, all photos must be two inches by two inches, a size our office will print automatically when clients use our services for passport photos in Northridge. Clients also have to consider what can be worn in passport photos. While clients can wear their usual prescription eyeglasses for this important photo, they cannot wear sunglasses or headwear unless required for medical or religious reasons, respectively. Our office personnel advise all clients on these details before taking photos to ensure success.
Clients can have their photos taken and printed while they wait when they visit us for Northridge passport photosservices. When clients change their appearance significantly, our office can make new photos to comply with federal passport guidelines. Likewise, we can simplify the process of updating passport photos for renewal of this crucial travel pass.
When it is almost time to travel, clients can simplify travel preparations by using our services for passport photos in Northridge. To make the experience even easier, clients can call our office ahead of time to ensure that they meet all of the appearance guidelines for passport photos. Passport applications can be submitted with confidence after having passport photos taken and printed with high quality at our convenient location.
You can make your order in person at our office, online or by phone, and we will ship the completed order to you. We provide shipping for the following cities:
9130 B. Reseda Blvd., Northridge, CA 91324
- Free Pickup & Delivery
On Orders Over $250 Los Angeles County Only
- OPEN 6 Days a Week